Raell Padamsee

About the Play

Re-discover – The Epic

In today’s times, when we are ensconced in materialism & consumed by stress, a dynamic story returns to redefine love, loyalty, brotherhood & true happiness. Raell Padamsee’s ACE Productions takes you on an incredible journey to relive an era, through its incredibly Indian, yet Amazingly International Production- ‘Rediscover The Epic’.
‘Rediscover The Epic’ based on the Ramayana is a multi layered production set in a contemporary framework which flashes back to the times of the Ramayana in all its resplendent glory. The third vital role is the role the media plays in perpetuating stereotypes for their gain. Starring an exemplary cast of actors all under the age of 20, this highly ambitious project brings the elegance and drama of the Ramayana on stage.

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