Raell Padamsee

About the Play

I will not cry

Save the Children in association with Raell Padamsee’s Ace Productions brings you the heart-rending solo play starring Lushin Dubey, ‘I WILL NOT CRY’ , directed & scripted by Arvind Gaur.

Supporting Save the Children’s global campaign to cut down child mortality in India and around the world it aims to reach out to the government and the public at large to advocate for change – change for India’s children, change for India’s future.
The play is an exceptional blend of theatre and multimedia, highlighting the issue of child deaths in India. Satire and musical excerpts bring alive the sad truth of millions of unnecessary deaths of children in our country, hoping to evoke our collective responsibility, as a nation and a society to act together.

Lushin Dubey’s powerful performance in this fantastic multimedia treat, will leave audiences enthralled. In Dr. Syeda Hameed’s words “Having seen the play, no one can ever be the same again”.

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