Raell Padamsee

About the Play


Rape is about power, and what could happen if a victim took that power back from her attacker?
Marjorie is assaulted in her home by Raul, a man who arrived out of nowhere, but before he can rape her, she is able to fight back. The next several hours are Marjorie’s battle with herself: In surviving the attack, what must she do to live without fear? How can she punish Raul without becoming an “animal” herself? William Mastrosimone’s _Extremities _is inspired by the fantasy of taking control back from an attacker, and examines the extremes of human capacity: mercy against hatred, compassion against violence, and humanity against torture. Not for the faint of heart, _Extremities _challenges the audience to examine their own fears and prejudices surrounding rape and sexual assault in our culture.

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