Raell Padamsee

The Edge Academy(Corporate Grooming)


The Edge Academy for Corporate Grooming can sharpen your corporate image, can groom you to be a warrior, and can transform your tomorrow Today. We offer certified courses consisting of a range of corporate modules that aim towards enhancing the professional corporate image of an entire workforce.

The Edge Academy for Corporate Grooming is tailored to meet the need of the hour in the corporate market and caters to all professional corporate at different levels of management.

Our faculty includes:

Sabira Merchant: An icon in corporate finesse and well known theater personality.
Raëll Padamsee: Has been working in the area of speech and diction for over 20 years & also designed and executed a wide range of exclusive events.
Some of the Organisations The Edge Academy has trained:

We Customize courses for our clientele based on their key outs.


For Executives  and Relationship Managers

  1. Effective Communication Skills
  2. Business Etiquette
  3. Personal Grooming
  4. Business Phone Etiquette

For Middle Level Management

  1. Powerful and Effective  Communication
  2. Social and Business Etiquette
  3. Create the Corporate Look
  4. Demonstration of the Fine  Dining Experience
  5. Winning Presentation  Techniques

For Senior Level Management who deal with HNI Clientele

  1. Effective & winning  communication skills
  2. Individual Fine Dining  Experience and Dining Etiquette
  3. Develop Powerful Presentation Skills
  4. Corporate Etiquette for  leaders
  5. Create the Dynamic Corporate  Look
  6. International travel and your  Global Persona
  7. Create a positive Image at work  and with clients
  1. Customised Module for Relationship Managers
  2. ECS-Effective Communication Skills Module
  3. One on One Module
  4. The CHIC Woman Module (Courses for Highlighting your Image & Charisma)
  5. De-Stress With Drama
  1. Effective & Winning Communication Skills
  2. Business Etiquette
  3. Social/Business Networking
  4. Presentation Skills
  5. Travel Etiquette
  6. Telephone Etiquette
  7. Body Language (Non-Verbal Communication)
  8. Business Writing Skills
  9. Individual Fine-Dining Experience & Dining Etiquette
  10. Corporate Attire
  11. Personal Grooming
  12. Stress Busters-Yoga, Effective Nutrition